Best Prohormone For Lean Gains – RPN Havoc Review

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What is the best prohormone for dry lean muscle gains and modest strength increases? For me it has to be RPN Havoc. I’ve used a wide range of prohormone supplements over the years and few have delivered consistently as Havoc. So what’s the deal? Read my review for more details.

RPN Havoc is the brand name for 2a 3a-epithio-17a-methyl-5a-androstan-17b-Ol which is often shortened to Epistane or EPI. Havoc isn’t a true prohormone. It’s a designer steroid.

This means that it is a synthetic version of hormones that your body produces naturally. The word ‘designer’ is a little misleading – it’s not made by Calvin Klein or Ralph Lauren. EPI doesn’t have a function in medicine and so is classed differently from medical steroids.

Here at PHE, we use ‘prohormones’ as a catch all term to include designer steroids. Read this for more info:

RPN Havoc Delivers Dry Muscle Gains

Prohormones can be roughly divided into two classes: wet and dry. Wet prohormones readily convert to estrogen which will give your muscles a smoother appearance as you tend to store more water under your skin.

RPN is a dry prohormone in that it doesn’t convert readily to estrogen which will give your muscles a leaner, dryer look. You’ll want this if you’re looking to add muscle while maintaining a harder, more cut look.

Low or no estrogen is good as you’ll also avoid the mood swings that would otherwise leave you bawling at a Channing Tatum rom-com.

Other positive benefits that I’ve experienced while on Havoc have been increased strength and a general feeling of being ‘on point’.

RPN Havoc Review: Dosages and Possible Side Effects

A dosage of 10-30mg per day is adequate. I like to build my cycles up e.g.

  • Week 1 10mg/day
  • Week 2 20mg/day
  • Week 3 30mg/day

By week 3 and 4 you’ll be cooking on gas.

In terms of side effects, I’d consider Havoc to be suitable for beginners in that it has low conversion to estrogen.

This means a cleaner post cycle therapy and fewer of the less desirable side effects like bloating, water retention and mood swings.

It is methylated which means it has a greater degree of toxicity than non-methylated prohormones so make sure you take your anti-oxidants and avoid alcohol when on-cycle.

I’ve also experienced elevated blood pressure which I had confirmed in a medical exam.

This can lead to nose bleeds. Big boy rules apply: If you have any dizziness or nausea stop your supplements and see a doctor immediately.

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After a cycle of Havoc, I recommend full PCT including arimistane and a natural T-booster.

Get it here

Closing Thoughts

RPN Havoc is a good choice if you are looking for lean muscle gains without the water retention and bloat of other prohormones. Your gains will be modest but you will be able to retain a cut look while enjoying an increase in strength.

Keep an eye on your side effects and always follow up with Post Cycle Therapy.


P.S. You can buy or read more about RPN Havoc here

By Jack Oswald

Hi, I'm Jack and I've supplemented with prohormones for over eight years. I'm passionate about the subject and in particularly promoting responsible use. Check out my articles for more info or send me a question via the 'Contact Us' page.