Where Can You Buy EPI in the UK?

buy epi epistane UK

Where can you buy EPI in the UK? Epistane (EPI for short) is one of the most popular prohormones in the UK and for good reason. But where can you buy it if you live in the United Kingdom?

Epistane or EPI ( is one of our favourites here at PHE. While epistane isn’t really a true prohormone (it’s actually a designer steroid), we’ve written about it at length here.

You can rely on EPI to give you consistently lean, dry gains with minimal side effects.
While not the gentlest of beginner hormones, it does come without the menu card of undesirable ‘sides’ that some of the heavier prohormones carry with them.

Where Can You Buy EPI in the UK?

As EPI is legal to buy and sell in the UK, you should be getting this stuff from ‘that guy’ who always seems to have a crowd round his car boot at closing time at the gym.

Instead there are options for where you can get your epistane.

1. Buy EPI on eBay

Kinda rhymes doesn’t it? But it is true. You can indeed buy epistane on eBay along with a range of other prohormones.

A word of caution however: make sure you are buying genuine EPI and not some knock-off or herbal compound. EPI has the chemical composition 2a,3a-epithio-17a-methyl-5a-androstan-17b-o. Anything different ain’t EPI.

Beware of imported stock that may be passed its sell by date or be an imitation of a known brand like the ever popular RPN Havoc.

buy epi epistane UK

2. Buy EPI from a UK Based Supplier

This would have to be our recommendation. While you might want to gamble on eBay with supplements like fat burners and pre-workouts (there are deals to be made), can you afford to take a chance for your prohormones?

Instead, we’d recommend buying from a recognised UK based supplier. We buy all our prohormones from our partners Predator Nutrition.

The guys there have a proven track record of supplying the best prohormone supplements available in the UK.

You can see their full range here.

where to buy prohormones uk predator nutrition

Best Place to Buy EPI in the UK – Summary

If you’re looking for a prohormone that gives you lean, hard gains with minimal side effects (and is completely legal in the UK) then EPI is probably your best bet.

Buying EPI doesn’t have to be a trial. Yes there are deals out there on eBay and other sites but we’d recommend going to the expert suppliers like Predator to get the best deal.


P.S. Check out Predator’s full range here.

By Jack Oswald

Hi, I'm Jack and I've supplemented with prohormones for over eight years. I'm passionate about the subject and in particularly promoting responsible use. Check out my articles for more info or send me a question via the 'Contact Us' page.