Best Prohormones for Bulking: Part 1

BodyPower has a range of exhibits and attractions including strength and endurance challenges (pictured)

What are the best prohormones for bulking? Once you’ve done a couple of cycles of gentler prohormones, you may well be looking for something that is going to add serious size.

If you’re bulking, you don’t necessarily need to worry about things like water retention. You want a supplement that will help you get bigger and stronger.

The best prohormones for bulking are those that deliver both of these: increased muscular size and mass along with dramatic increases in strength.

Best Prohormones for Bulking: The Lowdown

Before we go much further, this is a post for more experienced lifters who have run one or two successful prohormone cycles. You should have done this with products like those listed as being more suitable for beginners.

If that’s not you or you don’t know what I mean by ‘successful’, then by all means read this article but know this: you’re not ready for the big boy league yet when it comes to prohormone supplementation.

Important: we write about supplements that are legal here in the UK. But legal isn’t the same as ‘safe’. None of this is medical or legal advice and if you’re in any doubt, you should speak to a doctor (and probably not use prohormones at all).

With that out of the way, keep reading and I’ll tell you our top picks for prohormone bulking.

The Top Prohormones for Bulking

1. Superdrol

best prohormone for bulking. is superdrol legal in the UK?

Superdrol first hit the market in 2005. It’s not a ‘true’ prohormone. Instead it falls into the family known as designer steroids (read this for more info). It is an extremely powerful product that delivers significant increases in muscle mass and strength.

When I’ve run Superdrol, I’ve had massive increases in size as well as big pumps in the gym and increases in strength along with reduced recovery times. It’s one of the strongest supplements on the market and is probably one of the best known.

But there are some things you need to know about Superdrol. Firstly, it’s banned in the USA. Yes that’s right: Superdrol is banned in the United States of America. Don’t hate the player, hate the game. Also, this is one of the most toxic products available. So your cycle support and post cycle therapy (PCT) needs to be on point.

Side effects I’ve experienced include:

  • Increased anxiety/jitters
  • Raised blood pressure/nose bleeds
  • Pumps in weird places (my ankles was a very strange one)
  • Increase in water retention, especially around the facial area

Also because of the notoriety of Superdrol, you need to ensure you’re buying a legit product. There are lots of fakes out there. Supplement manufacturers know if they use the word ‘Super’ in the product title, ill-informed lifters will buy it.

Because Superdrol is banned in a lot of countries, there are clones and alternatives available. Make your your product is a ‘true’ superdrol clone by following this advice: Make sure the supplement you buy contains this compound: 2a,17a-dimethyl-5a-androst-3-one-17b-ol. Anything else isn’t Superdrol.

Click here to buy Methdrol (a clone of Superdrol)

2. Nanodrol (Methylstenbolone)

is nanodrol legal

Methylstenbolone (also known as M-Sten or Methyl-Sten) has been around since the 1960’s. It’s an extremely strong designer steroid and while legal in the UK, you should check the laws of your land before attempting to buy any of this stuff.

Some studies have shown that this effective prohormone can even out perform well known (and illegal) drugs such as winstrol and dianabol for its effect on the body.

Plus, there’s one huge advantage for Methylstenbolone – it does not aromatise. That means it cannot be converted to estrogen. This in turn means no unwanted estrogen related side effects. Which is good.

Because of the strength of the supplement (remember, out performed AAS in scientific trials) dosages are low. You still need to run PCT and as this is a methylated forumla, toxicity is an issue so remember your cycle support, especially for your liver.

Click here to buy Nanodrol.

Final Thoughts

Both of the compounds listed above are excellent prohormones for bulking. They are also strong, heavy duty supplements. You should only be looking to use these once you’ve run a few successful cycles and know what your body is telling you.

That said, it is possible to run safe cycles of both compounds and to gain considerable amounts of size and strength. Now all you need to do is find a t-shirt big enough…

If you want to know more the best prohormones for bulking, read part 2 here.

In the meantime, keep striving.


P.S. Had any experiences of taking either of these supplements? Leave a comment below. Also, check out our prohormone crib sheet for an explanation of our terminology.

By Jack Oswald

Hi, I'm Jack and I've supplemented with prohormones for over eight years. I'm passionate about the subject and in particularly promoting responsible use. Check out my articles for more info or send me a question via the 'Contact Us' page.