Prohormone Side Effects: Know The Risks

What are the most common prohormone side effects? Prohormones are widely taken supplements which can enhance your athletic performance and strength. You will likely also see increases in muscle size when taking them (you need to train hard too though!).

But what about side effects? Are you taking prohormone supplements at the expense of your health? Or are they safe with side effects that are minimal and marginal? Read on and I’ll tell you.

What are The Most Common Prohormone Side Effects?

First things first, if you wanted a scientific or medical explanation of all the known side effects from prohormones, you are definitely in the wrong place.

I’m no medical doctor or chemist. Just a regular guy who’s got years of experience when it comes to prohormones. I’ve also read a bit too. One of the reasons that exists is that there is hardly anywhere you can get this info with out excessive scientific jibber-jabber.

Instead I’m going to focus on what the most common ‘sides’ are and what you can do to minimise them. They are:

  • High blood pressure
  • Acne, especially on the neck and shoulders
  • Aggression, anxiety and heightened emotions
  • Water retention and gynecomastia (man boobs)

Most of these are going to ruin your day (or your love life) so avoiding them makes sense. But more on that later. Right now I want to look at the potential symptoms of these when it comes to prohormones as well as how to minmise these effects.

1. High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is one of the more serious possible side effects when supplementing with prohormones. Most prohormones will elevate blood pressure to some degree. This can lead to further health problems such as heart and kidney disease and stroke. In extreme cases symptoms can include chest pain, blood in the urine and headaches. I’ve also had spontaneous nosebleeds – when on Superdrol.

To counteract high blood pressure you should aim to live as healthy a lifestyle as possible in terms of diet, sleep and stay away from tobacco and alcohol. Your On Cycle Support should also include supplements which help to control blood pressure.

2. Acne and Skin Problems

I’m going to level with you – if you’ve suffered acne as a teenager then there’s a good chance it will come back when you start supplementing with prohormones. This is because teenage acne is caused by an increase in testosterone.

So if you were prone to acne and you start using prohormones (which elevate testosterone) you know what’s going to happen.

From experience, your skin will clear up after your cycle finishes and the stronger prohormones have more of an effect on my skin that those more for beginners. Make sure you keep your skin clean by washing regularly.

Anxiety, Aggression and Stress

You’ve no doubt heard the term ‘roid-rage’. This is used to describe anabolic steroid user’s mood swings and temperament. It’s natural that compounds that increase the male hormones (particularly Test) would increase aggression and could lead to stress or anxiety.

From experience, these are things to be aware of when taking prohormones. For my part I always:

  • Make sure my personal life is good before starting a cycle
  • Take steps to reduce stress through meditation, rest and sleep
  • Be aware that prohormones may make me more confident and prone to take risks

Remember: media reports of roided up bodybuilders killing people are overblown nonsense. Yes you may feel a little different but I’ve found the effects to be pleasing if you are aware of them and can stay in control.

4. Water Retention and Gynecomastia

I’ve grouped these two together although one is much preferable to the other! Water retention is a feature of ‘wet’ prohormones such as Superdrol, Halo and others. The advantage is that your muscles will look and feel bigger. The downside? So will your chin(s)!

Gyno or man boobs is a different story. If you are prone to these, stronger prohormones (those that have estrogenic side effects) will accentuate this and in extreme cases may last beyond your post cycle period.

For both, I suggest using an estrogen blocker such as Arimistane to counteract these effects towards the end and after your cycle.


Avoid Prohormone Side Effects with the Ideal Cycle

If using these supplements, you should know how to manage prohormone side effects. Taking precautions and listening to your body is some of the best protection your can give yourself during and after your cycle. Using a good cycle support and post cycle therapy product will help you have a great cycle and achieve your goals in and out of the gym.


P.S Remember: None of this is medical advice. If you experience any of these side effects or are concerned about your health, seek a doctor’s advice.

By Jack Oswald

Hi, I'm Jack and I've supplemented with prohormones for over eight years. I'm passionate about the subject and in particularly promoting responsible use. Check out my articles for more info or send me a question via the 'Contact Us' page.