Best UK Legal Alternatives to Prohormones

best prohormones for cutting cycle

What are the best UK legal alternatives to prohormones and designer steroids? Maybe you’ve been reading this site for a while and want to take your training to the next level. But you’re still not sure about prohormones or designer steroids. So you need UK legal alternatives.

That’s why I’ve written this post – because I know a lot of you care about what you put in your body. And you might not want to (or be ready to) take the plunge into prohormone supplementation. This list of alternative products and supplements can help.

Prohormones are Legal, and Safe. But What are the Alternatives

Yes you read that correctly. It is 100% legal to buy and sell prohormones and designer steroids in the UK. If you need more information (or just plain don’t believe me) read this.

Other countries have different laws. We’ve covered the law in the U.S. and India too – we plan to add other places too so check back regularly or contact us with the country you want to know about and we might even write it up.

Prohormones are also safe. If (and it’s a big if) you take the right precautions such as taking a cycle support supplement and doing a full course of post cycle therapy (PCT).

Fail to prepare and you can prepare to fail. And grow man boobs. And mess your hormones up big time and be as emotional as Justin Timberlake in the music video for ‘Cry me a River’.

But I digress.

And if that all sounds a bit too much like hard work then there’s the added spectre of drug testing. If you’re not in a job or sport where there’s drug testing (pro-tip – all branches of the UK military are subject to on-the-spot dope testing).

But there is good news. There are a range of alternative products which can give you small increases in testosterone as well as having other benefits like longer sleep, increased sex drive and less flabbiness.

Just don’t expect the same results from prohormones (which really, really super work).

How to Find the Right Prohormone or Designer Steroid Alternative

There is a whole heap of different products out there that claim to have similar effects to designer steroids or prohormones. They probably won’t and some might even have no effect on you whatsoever. But the best thing you can do is to try a bunch, find one that does work for you and keep taking it if you like the results.

What I wanted to do here is suggest a few products that are sold by our brand partners that we really like. That doesn’t mean you have to buy these specific products. Try a few and see what you like.

1. Grenade AT4 – Test Booster

best legal alternative to steroids grenade at4

Packaged in a red, grenade shaped bottle – what’s not to love. And aside from being well packaged, Grenade AT4 also has an excellent ingredient profile including:

  • D-Aspartic Calcium Chelate
  • FenurexTM Fenugreek
  • Passiflora Caerulea

All of these ingredients have studies done which suggest improvements in male sex drive, testosterone production and hormone balance.

Find out more and buy here.

2. T-Maxx by GoNutrition

If you’re looking for something a bit more affordable (let’s face it, who isn’t?) then this home-grown fomula by UK Brand GoNutrition is worth a look.

GoNutrition was set up by one of the founders of MyProtein and so they know a thing or two about sports nutrition and supplements. This product has a great ingredient profile which includes many of the supplements in Grenade AT4 and more but at half the retail price.

Many of the ingredients have impressive research behind them and the doses are hefty too (600mg of DAA). I’d even consider using this as part of my PCT, it’s that good.

best uk legal testosterone booster alternative to steroids

Click here to buy

3. DS Activate Xtreme

Of the three products, this is probably my favourite, not least because I’ve used it both as a testosterone booster and as PCT but also because it has ‘Xtreme’ in the name – who doesn’t love that?

It also has a lot of cool ingredients like Stinging Nettle Extract (not stingy thankfully) and Tongkat Ali extract. I’ve supplemented with Tongkat ali before with good results (read my review). T. Ali is also banned in lots of countries which is normally a good sign that it works.

It’s the most expensive at £45 a bottle but there are over 25 positive reviews over at prohormone supplier Predator Nutrition, many of whom have used as part of a prohormone or designer steroid cycle.

best uk legal alternatives to steroids

Buy it here

Some Final Thoughts on Legal Alternatives to Prohormones

Before you get carried away, I want you to understand one thing: legal does not mean safe. Nor does it mean ‘guaranteed to never fail a drugs test if you take this stuff’. Sure, you’re not taking prohormones but you are putting chemicals (even natural ones) in your body that might not be supposed to be there.

But if you do want to try something to boost your mood, energy levels and sex drive, these are worth a look.

Try them and let me know how you get on (you can email me: I normally reply too!


P.S. If you’ve got any products that you like, let me know. We love hearing about stuff that actually works for you.

By Jack Oswald

Hi, I'm Jack and I've supplemented with prohormones for over eight years. I'm passionate about the subject and in particularly promoting responsible use. Check out my articles for more info or send me a question via the 'Contact Us' page.