Do Prohormones Work? (I mean, REALLY?)

do prohormones work? that's what we want to know.

If you’ve been wondering ‘Do prohormones work?’ then you’re not alone. It’s a question we get asked a lot. It is important to know if prohormones work before you part with any cash. So we’ve got the lowdown on your question. Keep reading….

First up, when we’re talking about whether prohormones work or not – we’re referring specifically to a family of specialised sports supplements which include prohormones (precursors to musclebuilding hormones) and ‘designer’ (i.e. no function in medicine) steroids. You can read more here.

Secondly, this isn’t a post that is going to do a hard sell on you to buy prohormones. If you do that, cool (and be sure to check out our partners who ship to the US, UK and Europe).

Unlike other posts on this subject, we’re here to give you facts, not ‘buy buttons’.

prohormones for sports performance
Prohormones have been scientifically proven to aid sports performance and recovery.

Do Prohormones Work Then?

I get a bit confused when people ask me ‘do prohormones work?’ Confused because I’m never sure what they’re asking me. What do you mean ‘work?’.

If you are asking ‘Will prohormones turn me into a muscle monster overnight?’ then I’d say a big fat no.

But if you are asking ‘Can prohormones help me gain muscle faster, recover quicker and get me into the shape of my freaking life when combined with hard training, disciplined diet and plenty of sleep?’ Then I’d say ‘YES THEY WORK’.

You see, prohormones are not like herbal testosterone ‘boosters’ that are supposed to increase the amount of available testosterone in your body. Instead they help put ‘new’ hormones into your system that you didn’t have before.

Depending on what prohormone supplements you take, the effects can be modest or dramatic.

But (and this is a big one), you still have to put the work in. I would advise against prohormone supplementation if you have less than three years training under your belt. Why? Because you haven’t had enough time to understand your body, your limits or nutrition.

To get the best results, you will likely need to increase your training volume, sleep/recovery and tighten up on nutrition. That way you’ll get the best value out of your investment.

(Hint – there are actual scientific studies on prohormones that show how they improve sports performance. Plus you can fail a drugs test if on them. So yeah, they work).

do prohormones work? that's what we want to know.
Do Prohormones Work? Only if you put the ‘WORK’ in too!

What about muscle retention?

What this question basically means is ‘will I lose all my gains when I cycle off prohormones.’ Again the answer is ‘it depends’. If you keep hard training, eating right and sleeping enough, you will likely keep most of your gains.

However if you go off prohormones into a dirty bulk/2 times a week training programme, then yes, you will lose your gains (see how this works?).

Summary – Prohormones Work Then?

Yes but you need to put the work in too. I’d also suggest you buy prohormone supplements from a reputable company or retailer and not from that guy you met down at the gym.

Check out our partners Predator Nutrition – they ship all over the world and have a great selection including some of our favourites.

By Jack Oswald

Hi, I'm Jack and I've supplemented with prohormones for over eight years. I'm passionate about the subject and in particularly promoting responsible use. Check out my articles for more info or send me a question via the 'Contact Us' page.